Our studio was designed by Lou Clark of Sonic Space, and built by Picker Construction. This team helped us create a beautiful, collaborative work space. Plaid Dog features 3 isolated tracking rooms, including a live room with a 20ft high ceiling, perfect for getting lush, larger than life drum sounds. Our main iso booth has excellent line-of-sight to the live room for live tracking. Our two control rooms have been acoustically tuned for optimal, flat frequency response to create an ideal, reliable mixing environment.
AKG D112
APEX 460 Tube Condenser
AKG 414
Audio Technica 3525 (2)
Audio Technica 4051 (pair)
Audio Technica Atm450
Cascade Fatheads (pair)
Electro Voice RE20
Radial JDI Passive DI (2)
Radial J48 Active DI
Royer R121 Active Ribbon
Placid Audio Copperphone
Se Electronics RN17 (pair)
Seinhesser 421 (2)
Shure SM57 (4)
Shure Beta 52
Shure Beta 57
Shure Beta 87
Shure SM7
Shure SM81
Wunder C7 Tube Condenser (Neumann U47 Historical Replica)
1966 Fender Bandmaster (blackface) and 2×12 Matched Cab
Vox AC30/6TB
Orange Rockerverb and 2×12 Matched Cab
Ampeg SVT-VR and 4×10+1×15 Cab
1972 Rhodes MK1
1960’s Wurlitzer 140B
1962 Hammond M101 W/leslie
Vintage Magnus Electric Chord Organ
1925 Steinway 5’6″ Baby Grand
1978 Fender Precision Bass
Fender Stratocaster Electric Guitar
Godin Dual Humbucker Electric Guitar
Sebring Dual Humbucker Semi-hollow Body Electric Guitar
Martin 00015m Acoustic Guitar
1972 Slingerland 4 Piece Drum Kit
1972 Ludwig Chrome Supraphonic Snare 5.5×14
Ludwig Black Beauty Snare 6.5×14
Paiste 13″ Dark Hi-hats
Paiste 20″ Prototype Ride
Sabian 18″ Crash
Sonorus Chromatic Glockenspiel
Miscellaneous Percussion
Chandler Limited TG Channel
Chandler TG-1 Limiter
DBX 165 Overeasy Compressor
Elysia Xpressor 500
Klark Teknik 410
Lexicon PCM91
Lexicon PCM42
Yamaha SPXII
Purple Action (2)
Purple Odd (2)
Requisite Audio L2M Mastering Limiter
Skibbe 736-5 Mic Pre (2)
Hairball Audio Lola Mic Pre (2)
Neve Portico 715 Mic Pre/Compressor
Tube Tech CL1B
Urei 530 Graphic Equalizer
Urei 7110 W/Output Transformer (2)
Misc Toys:
70s Soviet Big Muff
90s Reissue Memory Man Deluxe
Earthquaker Devices Organizer
Vintage Phaser
Fulltone OCD
MXR Dyna Comp
Boss Overdrive/Distortion
Fulltone Supa-Trem
Toft ATB32 Analog Console
Pro Tools 10 HDX W/32 Channels Analog I/O
Urei 809
Yamaha NS-10m
Waves Complete
Native Instruments Komplete 8
Universal Audio UAD-2 Quad